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Green Jade is a popular birthstone for those born under the maiden of the harvest. It encourages all those who wear it to take responsibility for their happiness. It reminds you that you got to where you are through your own actions—or inaction—and that by accepting that, you can take yourself to where you want to be in the future. Green Jade effectively gives you control over your destiny. Don't leave things up to fate. Act with free will and a sense of purpose. 


Another Virgo birthstone, Moss Agate is a calming crystal that helps relieve tension in a stressed-out Virgo. It unlocks their emotional side, helping them step out of their shell and open up to people. Virgos tend to be serious with a mask of strength that squashes how they truly feel. These repressed emotions cause inner suffering and can resurface down the line. Moss Agate prevents confusion by helping the wearer deal with these feelings early on.


Amethyst is popular for a reason. It's the ultimate soother, bringing a Virgo's stress level down to zero with its calming influx of energy. It's commonly referred to as Nature's Tranquilizer because of its serene effects on the body. That slice of heavenly peace you feel while alone in quiet solitude? Amethyst brings that state to the forefront. It's excellent for helping Virgos remain mindful, connecting spirituality with the thinking mind, and revealing how to simultaneously be spiritual and analytical.


Red Jasper is great for helping a preoccupied Virgo solve problems in a fast-paced environment. Said to boost strength, stamina, and overall energy, Red Jasper is a must-have for any Virgo going through a lethargic patch. This sign despises laziness and also has a gift for self-criticism, which can lead to some pretty nasty downward spirals. If you find yourself in this situation, Red Jasper will help you rationalize your thoughts and become more productive with your time.


Virgos are often trying to improve themselves, driven by their own critical eye directed inwards. Whoever wears Fluorite can take on new information and store it faster and for longer. It improves memory and is the perfect conduit for learning. 

Virgo Tumble Kit

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